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24 Hours Eating at Japanese DEPARTMENT STORE Muji in Tokyo Japan

24 Hours Eating at Japanese DEPARTMENT STORE Muji in Tokyo Japan24 Hours Eating at Japanese DEPARTMENT STORE Muji in Tokyo Japan

Video Informations

Title :24 Hours Eating at Japanese DEPARTMENT STORE Muji in Tokyo Japan
Duration : 17 minutes, 31 seconds
Uploader : Mike Chen
Added On: : 19 September, 2024
Views : 49.3K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



We all know Muji as a Japanese retailer store where they sell Japanese household goods and apparels. But now they have food so in this video I'm going to eat Muji food for 24 hours in Tokyo Japan and I'll also be eating at the Muji diner.MUJIDiner 銀座L

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