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A Japanese famous lunchbox shop makes large quantities starting at 3am. お弁当 デカ盛り

A Japanese famous lunchbox shop makes large quantities starting at 3am. お弁当 デカ盛りA Japanese famous lunchbox shop makes large quantities starting at 3am. お弁当 デカ盛り

Video Informations

Title :A Japanese famous lunchbox shop makes large quantities starting at 3am. お弁当 デカ盛り
Duration : 31 minutes, 50 seconds
Uploader : Japanese Kitchen Tour
Added On: : 03 June, 2024
Views : 1.9M times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Hello! This is Japanese Kitchen Tour.This channel introduces Japanese food culture, the techniques of chefs, and Japanese food.In addition to traditional Japanese cuisine (sushi, ramen, udon, soba, sashimi, food stalls), we introduce a variety of gourmet

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