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Abandoned dog gets hit by a car and then tries to escape from rescuers! #hope

Abandoned dog gets hit by a car and then tries to escape from rescuers! #hopeAbandoned dog gets hit by a car and then tries to escape from rescuers! #hope

Video Informations

Title :Abandoned dog gets hit by a car and then tries to escape from rescuers! #hope
Duration : 4 minutes, 14 seconds
Uploader : Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel
Added On: : 08 August, 2017
Views : 1.4M times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Rio was abandoned by his owners and was left to survive on the streets. The nervous little dog eventually got hit by a car and then Hope For Paws was called in for the rescue. The video doesn't even begin to tell the long road to recovery from his injur

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