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Adam Ruins Everything - How Humans Altered Entire Ecosystems to Create National Parks truTV

Adam Ruins Everything - How Humans Altered Entire Ecosystems to Create National Parks  truTVAdam Ruins Everything - How Humans Altered Entire Ecosystems to Create National Parks  truTV

Video Informations

Title :Adam Ruins Everything - How Humans Altered Entire Ecosystems to Create National Parks truTV
Duration : 3 minutes, 18 seconds
Uploader : truTV
Added On: : 28 January, 2019
Views : 672.9K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



After John Muir kicked the Awahnechee people out of Yosemite to create what he thought was pristine nature, the Park became more prone to rare but extreme wildfires.#truTV #AdamRuins SUBSCRIBE to get the latest truTV content httpbit.lytruTVSubscribeCheck

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