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Analyzing Exoplanets & Building Community in Astrobiology with Dr. Jessica Noviello

Analyzing Exoplanets & Building Community in Astrobiology with Dr. Jessica NovielloAnalyzing Exoplanets & Building Community in Astrobiology with Dr. Jessica Noviello

Video Informations

Title :Analyzing Exoplanets & Building Community in Astrobiology with Dr. Jessica Noviello
Duration : 1 hour, 1 minute, 55 seconds
Uploader : NASA Astrobiology
Added On: : 30 November, 2023
Views : 1.3K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Our guest is Dr. Jessica Noviello, a planetary scientist working at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD. Her current research work includes modeling the interior structure and composition of ultra-short period exoplanets; studying the extent

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