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Arya decided to fight until she realized that I wasn't giving up on her and then... #chihuahua

Arya decided to fight until she realized that I wasn't giving up on her and then... #chihuahuaArya decided to fight until she realized that I wasn't giving up on her and then... #chihuahua

Video Informations

Title :Arya decided to fight until she realized that I wasn't giving up on her and then... #chihuahua
Duration : 7 minutes, 30 seconds
Uploader : Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel
Added On: : 26 April, 2019
Views : 2.4M times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Your donations are making these extreme rescues possible! If you didn't join our team yet, today is a perfect day to do it with just a $5 donation httpswww.HopeForPaws.orgArya was so scared when I got to the rescue location. I was told by locals that sh

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