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Avoid This Sourdough Mistake (6 Consequences You Can Prevent)

Avoid This Sourdough Mistake (6 Consequences You Can Prevent)Avoid This Sourdough Mistake (6 Consequences You Can Prevent)

Video Informations

Title :Avoid This Sourdough Mistake (6 Consequences You Can Prevent)
Duration : 24 minutes
Uploader : The Bread Code
Added On: : 13 September, 2024
Views : 14.6K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Oops, I did it again 😱… the same sourdough mistake that almost every beginner baker makes! Don’t let overhydration ruin your bread. In this video, I’ll show you how adding too much water impacts your dough and the 6 issues you’ll encounter beca

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