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Bill Maher on wokeness and why having an older president isn’t a bad thing

Bill Maher on wokeness and why having an older president isn’t a bad thingBill Maher on wokeness and why having an older president isn’t a bad thing

Video Informations

Title :Bill Maher on wokeness and why having an older president isn’t a bad thing
Duration : 9 minutes, 42 seconds
Uploader : CNN
Added On: : 28 February, 2023
Views : 1.7M times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



CNN’s Jake Tapper speaks with Bill Maher about the comedian’s thoughts about wokeness, President Joe Biden, and former president Donald Trump. Maher’s show, “Real Time with Bill Maher” airs on HBO, which, like CNN, is owned by Warner Bros. Disco

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