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Bioluminescence in the deep sea How and why do animals create their own light

Bioluminescence in the deep sea How and why do animals create their own lightBioluminescence in the deep sea How and why do animals create their own light

Video Informations

Title :Bioluminescence in the deep sea How and why do animals create their own light
Duration : 4 minutes, 8 seconds
Uploader : MBARI (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute)
Added On: : 18 January, 2022
Views : 213.3K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



A dive into the deep sea reveals twinkling lights in the midst of darkness. This light doesn’t come from the sun—sunlight can’t penetrate to these depths—it comes from the animals that live here. Scientists call this living light show bioluminesce

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