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Botox lies everyone believes. A lot of what you thought about Botox is wrong

Botox lies everyone believes. A lot of what you thought about Botox is wrongBotox lies everyone believes. A lot of what you thought about Botox is wrong

Video Informations

Title :Botox lies everyone believes. A lot of what you thought about Botox is wrong
Duration : 25 minutes, 16 seconds
Uploader : Adam Goodwin Surgery
Added On: : 15 December, 2022
Views : 86.6K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Here at @adamgoodwinsurgery we try to reveal the hidden secrets behind many plastic surgery techniques. In this video, we discuss how a lot of what you thought about Botox and how it works to make you look younger or fresher is wrong. There are 12 myths

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