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❰ Carrying from the Back ❱ Broken Arrow US Tutorial Commentary in Solo Queue MP

❰ Carrying from the Back ❱ Broken Arrow US Tutorial Commentary in Solo Queue MP❰ Carrying from the Back ❱ Broken Arrow US Tutorial Commentary in Solo Queue MP

Video Informations

Title :❰ Carrying from the Back ❱ Broken Arrow US Tutorial Commentary in Solo Queue MP
Duration : 53 minutes, 43 seconds
Uploader : Beaglerush
Added On: : 06 February, 2024
Views : 36.0K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



A US vs. RU MP match I played with a lot of new players. It was a good one and had some good stuff to talk about during this match review commentary I recorded afterwards! (Too much stuff!)0000 Introduction0155 Opening Air Battle and Setup1127 Early Game

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