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Easy Homemade Garlic Butter Naan Recipe soft and fluffy

Easy Homemade Garlic Butter Naan Recipe soft and fluffyEasy Homemade Garlic Butter Naan Recipe soft and fluffy

Video Informations

Title :Easy Homemade Garlic Butter Naan Recipe soft and fluffy
Duration : 4 minutes, 53 seconds
Uploader : Savor Easy
Added On: : 10 August, 2024
Views : 89.6K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



How to make the best Naan Recipe with garlic butter.Here's what you'll need1 and ½ cup milk (375ml)1 tbsp sugar (15g)2 tsp instant yeast (6g)4 cups all purpose flour (500g)1 and ½ tsp salt (8g)3 tbsp oil (45ml)1. In a bowl, mix together milk, sugar and

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