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(Eng Sub) Haikyuu!! Matsuri - Day Event - Recitation Drama

(Eng Sub) Haikyuu!! Matsuri - Day Event - Recitation Drama(Eng Sub) Haikyuu!! Matsuri - Day Event - Recitation Drama

Video Informations

Title :(Eng Sub) Haikyuu!! Matsuri - Day Event - Recitation Drama
Duration : 19 minutes, 4 seconds
Uploader : Asanomi Kuroki
Added On: : 15 March, 2017
Views : 3.6M times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Asa here! Please turn on CC for Eng Sub and enjoy~If I made any translation or grammar mistakes, please feel free to let me know!I'm aware that parts of this drama have already been translated. However, this video has been haunting me for almost nine mont

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