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EXTREME KITCHEN RENOVATION EP2 Demo, Cathedral Ceiling & Doubling The Size

EXTREME KITCHEN RENOVATION EP2  Demo, Cathedral Ceiling & Doubling The SizeEXTREME KITCHEN RENOVATION EP2  Demo, Cathedral Ceiling & Doubling The Size

Video Informations

Title :EXTREME KITCHEN RENOVATION EP2 Demo, Cathedral Ceiling & Doubling The Size
Duration : 26 minutes, 4 seconds
Uploader : XO, MaCenna
Added On: : 31 March, 2024
Views : 279.3K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



With our new kitchen design and floor plan in place we are ready to demo the old kitchen, have a structural engineer out to devise a plan to make two small spaces into one big one and figure out how to give us the highest ceilings possible all while cross

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