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Gangs of New York ‘Notch 45’ (HD) - Daniel Day-Lewis, Brendan Gleeson MIRAMAX

Gangs of New York  ‘Notch 45’ (HD) - Daniel Day-Lewis, Brendan Gleeson  MIRAMAXGangs of New York  ‘Notch 45’ (HD) - Daniel Day-Lewis, Brendan Gleeson  MIRAMAX

Video Informations

Title :Gangs of New York ‘Notch 45’ (HD) - Daniel Day-Lewis, Brendan Gleeson MIRAMAX
Duration : 3 minutes, 9 seconds
Uploader : Miramax
Added On: : 11 January, 2016
Views : 0.9M times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Monk’s (Brendan Gleeson) plea to the Butcher (Daniel Day-Lewis) for a peaceful resolution is met with heavy opposition. In this scene The Butcher (Daniel Day-Lewis), Walter ‘Monk’ McGinn (Brendan Gleeson)About Gangs of New York As waves of immigrant

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