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HONG KONG STREET FOOD I ate CLAYPOT RICE at the most FAMOUS SPOT in the city. Here's what happened

HONG KONG STREET FOOD  I ate CLAYPOT RICE at the most FAMOUS SPOT in the city. Here's what happenedHONG KONG STREET FOOD  I ate CLAYPOT RICE at the most FAMOUS SPOT in the city. Here's what happened

Video Informations

Title :HONG KONG STREET FOOD I ate CLAYPOT RICE at the most FAMOUS SPOT in the city. Here's what happened
Duration : 13 minutes, 15 seconds
Uploader : Hong Kong 'Hoods
Added On: : 10 February, 2024
Views : 29.1K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



One of the best claypot rice restaurants in Hong Kong is Hing Kee 興記菜館, on Temple Street in Yau Ma Tei. I went and tried the famous Cantonese winter food for myself to see if it's worth all the Instagram hype.Video Credits-Written, produced, filme

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