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How The World's Largest Cork Company Makes 22 Million Wine Stoppers A Day Big Business

How The World's Largest Cork Company Makes 22 Million Wine Stoppers A Day  Big BusinessHow The World's Largest Cork Company Makes 22 Million Wine Stoppers A Day  Big Business

Video Informations

Title :How The World's Largest Cork Company Makes 22 Million Wine Stoppers A Day Big Business
Duration : 13 minutes, 12 seconds
Uploader : Business Insider
Added On: : 09 September, 2024
Views : 787.2K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



The Portuguese company Corticeira Amorim is the world's largest producer and distributor of cork. For 150 years, the company has expanded the Portuguese cork industry, but 20 years ago, the entire cork wine stopper industry was nearly ruined by fungi. We

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