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I want a hairstyle that reflex the feeling of SPRING!!! Wies cut-color by T.K.S

I want a hairstyle that reflex the feeling of SPRING!!! Wies cut-color by T.K.SI want a hairstyle that reflex the feeling of SPRING!!! Wies cut-color by T.K.S

Video Informations

Title :I want a hairstyle that reflex the feeling of SPRING!!! Wies cut-color by T.K.S
Duration : 28 minutes, 38 seconds
Uploader : theoknoopkapper
Added On: : 14 April, 2024
Views : 6.2K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Wies loves short hairstyles and had them all, but sometimes she ask me , can you this ore that for me And than she will be on YouTube like now. Have fun watching and I hope you will see more of my video’s on YouTube THANKS! Theo #pixie #shorthaircut #

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