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Ionia - The Nation of Harmony! Runeterra Lore for Beginners - The World of Arcane and Riot's MMO!

Ionia - The Nation of Harmony! Runeterra Lore for Beginners  - The World of Arcane and Riot's MMO!Ionia - The Nation of Harmony! Runeterra Lore for Beginners  - The World of Arcane and Riot's MMO!

Video Informations

Title :Ionia - The Nation of Harmony! Runeterra Lore for Beginners - The World of Arcane and Riot's MMO!
Duration : 13 minutes, 40 seconds
Uploader : JustBlais
Added On: : 13 July, 2022
Views : 11.2K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



In part 3 of the Runeterra Lore for Beginners series, we look at Ionia - a nation known for trying to keep balance with magic, nature, and spirits!We approach Ionia much like you would a campaign setting - an overview of geography, culture, a brief histor

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