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John BONHAM's UNSTOPPABLE Drum Intro Why It's The GREATEST Ever Made

John BONHAM's UNSTOPPABLE Drum Intro Why It's The GREATEST Ever MadeJohn BONHAM's UNSTOPPABLE Drum Intro Why It's The GREATEST Ever Made

Video Informations

Title :John BONHAM's UNSTOPPABLE Drum Intro Why It's The GREATEST Ever Made
Duration : 6 minutes, 9 seconds
Uploader : MusicMinutes
Added On: : 08 April, 2024
Views : 213.3K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



In this video, we're diving into the world of rock and exploring what many consider to be the greatest drum intro of all time. We're talking about Led Zeppelin's iconic track, When the Levee Breaks.Led Zeppelin's When the Levee Breaks stands as a testamen

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