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Kevin Hart & Samuel L. Jackson JOKE About Why They Never Worked Together (Exclusive)

Kevin Hart & Samuel L. Jackson JOKE About Why They Never Worked Together (Exclusive)Kevin Hart & Samuel L. Jackson JOKE About Why They Never Worked Together (Exclusive)

Video Informations

Title :Kevin Hart & Samuel L. Jackson JOKE About Why They Never Worked Together (Exclusive)
Duration : 11 minutes, 41 seconds
Uploader : extratv
Added On: : 06 September, 2024
Views : 542.7K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Kevin Hart, Taraji P. Henson, Samuel L. Jackson, Don Cheadle and Terrence Howard talk to “Extra’s” Mona Kosar Abdi about “Fight Night,” which is based on the infamous 1970 armed robbery on the night of Muhammad Ali’s comeback. They spoke about

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