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Let's Play Jaws Unleashed Ep.02 THE BREAK OUT

Let's Play Jaws Unleashed Ep.02 THE BREAK OUTLet's Play Jaws Unleashed Ep.02 THE BREAK OUT

Video Informations

Title :Let's Play Jaws Unleashed Ep.02 THE BREAK OUT
Duration : 22 minutes, 24 seconds
Uploader : Shadefyre
Added On: : 11 March, 2016
Views : 12.8M times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



In the second episode of Let's Play Jaws Unleashed, it's more familiar ground as we stage our escape from the fake Seaworld we've been stuck in for some reason. As we murder our way through tourists and sealife alike (and die to shotguns and murderfish),

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