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Massive Can Meltdown - 8,000+ Cans Melted For Pure Aluminum - Trash 2 Treasure - The Growing Stack

Massive Can Meltdown - 8,000+ Cans Melted For Pure Aluminum - Trash 2 Treasure - The Growing StackMassive Can Meltdown - 8,000+ Cans Melted For Pure Aluminum - Trash 2 Treasure - The Growing Stack

Video Informations

Title :Massive Can Meltdown - 8,000+ Cans Melted For Pure Aluminum - Trash 2 Treasure - The Growing Stack
Duration : 15 minutes, 54 seconds
Uploader : TheGrowingStack
Added On: : 29 September, 2022
Views : 1.3M times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



I got a gaylord of cans from my buddy who had been saving his cans for a decade. It took me 40 hours to melt down this massive amount of cans, and another 10 hours of cleanup, editing, and side work on this project. I hope you enjoy this massive can meltd

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