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Mike Piazza's beef with Roger Clemens was so much more than the broken bat fiasco

Mike Piazza's beef with Roger Clemens was so much more than the broken bat fiascoMike Piazza's beef with Roger Clemens was so much more than the broken bat fiasco

Video Informations

Title :Mike Piazza's beef with Roger Clemens was so much more than the broken bat fiasco
Duration : 16 minutes, 4 seconds
Uploader : Secret Base
Added On: : 22 July, 2024
Views : 563.0K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



If you know one thing about Mike Piazza's beef with Roger Clemens, it's probably the moment in Game 2 of the 2000 World Series when Clemens threw a chunk of Piazza's broken bat right back at Piazza. That's definitely the climax of the feud, but it wasn't

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