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Mike Shinoda on Chester Bennington's Creative Process, 20th Anniversary of 'Meteora' Amazon Music

Mike Shinoda on Chester Bennington's Creative Process, 20th Anniversary of 'Meteora'  Amazon MusicMike Shinoda on Chester Bennington's Creative Process, 20th Anniversary of 'Meteora'  Amazon Music

Video Informations

Title :Mike Shinoda on Chester Bennington's Creative Process, 20th Anniversary of 'Meteora' Amazon Music
Duration : 27 minutes, 49 seconds
Uploader : Amazon Music
Added On: : 12 April, 2023
Views : 67.0K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park sits down with Rock Arena in DJ Mode host Kevan Kenney to celebrate the 20th anniversary of ‘Meteora,’ sharing stories about the songwriting process for the iconic album, the making of “Lost” & much more, only on Amaz

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