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Naoya's S14 in Nagano, Japan 4K

Naoya's S14 in Nagano, Japan  4KNaoya's S14 in Nagano, Japan  4K

Video Informations

Title :Naoya's S14 in Nagano, Japan 4K
Duration : 4 minutes, 12 seconds
Uploader : Hartnett Media
Added On: : 09 September, 2020
Views : 1.3M times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Travelling 3 hours to shoot Naoya's incredible S14 in the foothills of Nagano Prefecture was something I will truly never forget. Special thanks to the help of John Mu and Emilio for helping assist on this shoot. Ever since seeing Naoya's S14 at DoriDore

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