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[PhD] Jacob Maarek Mass Transfer at Fluid Interfaces at Large Péclet Numbers

[PhD] Jacob Maarek  Mass Transfer at Fluid Interfaces at Large Péclet Numbers[PhD] Jacob Maarek  Mass Transfer at Fluid Interfaces at Large Péclet Numbers

Video Informations

Title :[PhD] Jacob Maarek Mass Transfer at Fluid Interfaces at Large Péclet Numbers
Duration : 59 minutes, 45 seconds
Uploader : Institut Jean Le Rond d'Alembert
Added On: : 20 June, 2024
Views : 192 times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



AbstractThe characterization of mass transfer in unsteady multiphase flows is important for the understanding of various industrial and geophysical processes such as the desulfurization of steel in a metallurgical refining ladle or CO2 transfer across a w

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