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Porsche 911 996 in-depth review - see why it's the ultimate sports car bargain!

Porsche 911 996 in-depth review - see why it's the ultimate sports car bargain!Porsche 911 996 in-depth review - see why it's the ultimate sports car bargain!

Video Informations

Title :Porsche 911 996 in-depth review - see why it's the ultimate sports car bargain!
Duration : 15 minutes, 49 seconds
Uploader : Mat Watson Cars
Added On: : 06 October, 2019
Views : 601.9K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Is the Porsche 911 996 the best value used sports car you can buy A decent one can be had for around £15,000 and in this video I explain the model range and review my very own 996. This is the car which was built from 1998 until 2004 and was the very fir

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