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Proving Why the Jō (Japanese Staff) is So Strong

Proving Why the Jō (Japanese Staff) is So StrongProving Why the Jō (Japanese Staff) is So Strong

Video Informations

Title :Proving Why the Jō (Japanese Staff) is So Strong
Duration : 12 minutes, 17 seconds
Uploader : Let's ask Seki Sensei | Learn Katana Skills Online
Added On: : 11 February, 2023
Views : 357.5K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



You might have heard about the Japanese staff, called Jō. But do you know who used it, why they used it, and howSo today, we will first introduce the Jō used in Asayama Ichiden Ryu, a Kobudo with 400 years of history. Then we will talk about the history

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