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Sire V5 vs Squire CV 70's Jazz Bass - Seventies Sizzle Showdown - LowEndLobster Tone Shootout

Sire V5 vs Squire CV 70's Jazz Bass - Seventies Sizzle Showdown - LowEndLobster Tone ShootoutSire V5 vs Squire CV 70's Jazz Bass - Seventies Sizzle Showdown - LowEndLobster Tone Shootout

Video Informations

Title :Sire V5 vs Squire CV 70's Jazz Bass - Seventies Sizzle Showdown - LowEndLobster Tone Shootout
Duration : 16 minutes, 14 seconds
Uploader : LowEndLobster
Added On: : 10 August, 2023
Views : 19.7K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



EDIT It was mentioned that the Squier has a plastic nut, that was incorrect. The Squier also has a bone nut! I've removed that part of the video. Thank you all for the correction!Support LowEndLobster, become a member!

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