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The Credibility Gap How Sexism Shapes Human Knowledge Soraya Chemaly TEDxBarcelonaWomen

The Credibility Gap How Sexism Shapes Human Knowledge  Soraya Chemaly  TEDxBarcelonaWomenThe Credibility Gap How Sexism Shapes Human Knowledge  Soraya Chemaly  TEDxBarcelonaWomen

Video Informations

Title :The Credibility Gap How Sexism Shapes Human Knowledge Soraya Chemaly TEDxBarcelonaWomen
Duration : 21 minutes, 19 seconds
Uploader : TEDx Talks
Added On: : 28 July, 2015
Views : 387.7K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



It's a man's world...but what does that mean Today, when you Google Are Women... the most likely suggested answer you'll get is Evil. What does the suppression of women's experiences and knowledge in culture and media mean in terms of human understanding

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