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The Extreme Rewilding of Chernobyl this is what happens when humans leave

The Extreme Rewilding of Chernobyl this is what happens when humans leaveThe Extreme Rewilding of Chernobyl this is what happens when humans leave

Video Informations

Title :The Extreme Rewilding of Chernobyl this is what happens when humans leave
Duration : 8 minutes, 8 seconds
Uploader : Mossy Earth
Added On: : 31 March, 2021
Views : 253.5K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



In this video, we explore Chernobyl as an example of what happens when humans leave and nature takes over. It's the perfect example of extreme rewilding. Humans are kept out by radiation and this gives wild animals an opportunity to recolonise the area.

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