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The Last Battleship Designs - The Good, the Bad and the Mad!

The Last Battleship Designs - The Good, the Bad and the Mad!The Last Battleship Designs - The Good, the Bad and the Mad!

Video Informations

Title :The Last Battleship Designs - The Good, the Bad and the Mad!
Duration : 46 minutes, 47 seconds
Uploader : Drachinifel
Added On: : 27 March, 2024
Views : 506.8K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Today we take a look at the last generations of battleship designs, covering everything from nuclear missiles to rocket-assisted Tallboys and re-inventing the pre-dreadnought!Sourceshttpswww.usni.orgpressbooksrussian-and-soviet-battleships-0httpswww.usni.

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