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The smartest guy in the room Cameron Ortis and the RCMP secrets scandal - The Fifth Estate

The smartest guy in the room Cameron Ortis and the RCMP secrets scandal - The Fifth EstateThe smartest guy in the room Cameron Ortis and the RCMP secrets scandal - The Fifth Estate

Video Informations

Title :The smartest guy in the room Cameron Ortis and the RCMP secrets scandal - The Fifth Estate
Duration : 41 minutes, 42 seconds
Uploader : The Fifth Estate
Added On: : 08 December, 2020
Views : 1.1M times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Cameron Ortis was once the RCMP's top intelligence officer. He has now been charged with revealing Canadian secrets to unauthorized people and plotting to leak more. The Fifth Estate exposes a backstory few people know about — from a Mexican drug cartel

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