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Time and the brain the illusion of now Hinze Hogendoorn TEDxUtrechtUniversity

Time and the brain the illusion of now  Hinze Hogendoorn  TEDxUtrechtUniversityTime and the brain the illusion of now  Hinze Hogendoorn  TEDxUtrechtUniversity

Video Informations

Title :Time and the brain the illusion of now Hinze Hogendoorn TEDxUtrechtUniversity
Duration : 16 minutes, 8 seconds
Uploader : TEDx Talks
Added On: : 25 July, 2016
Views : 448.4K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



How does the brain generate a coherent stream of visual awareness, when different visual features are processed separately in different places in the brain and at different times And how does it generate the illusion that we live in the present, whereas t

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