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TRY THIS...Feel How Your Eyes Connect to the Neck! (Neck Pain, Headaches, Dizziness) - Dr Mandell

TRY THIS...Feel How Your Eyes Connect to the Neck!  (Neck Pain, Headaches, Dizziness) - Dr MandellTRY THIS...Feel How Your Eyes Connect to the Neck!  (Neck Pain, Headaches, Dizziness) - Dr Mandell

Video Informations

Title :TRY THIS...Feel How Your Eyes Connect to the Neck! (Neck Pain, Headaches, Dizziness) - Dr Mandell
Duration : 14 minutes, 12 seconds
Uploader : motivationaldoc
Added On: : 30 October, 2017
Views : 1.2M times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Here's an amazing breakthrough in medical science showing the connection of the suboccipital muscles and our eyes. Forward head posture has been linked to many health conditions (neck pain, headaches, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, visual problems, etc.)

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