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Vianey & Allen's Difficult Weight Loss Journey My 600-lb Life Where Are They Now TLC

Vianey & Allen's Difficult Weight Loss Journey  My 600-lb Life Where Are They Now  TLCVianey & Allen's Difficult Weight Loss Journey  My 600-lb Life Where Are They Now  TLC

Video Informations

Title :Vianey & Allen's Difficult Weight Loss Journey My 600-lb Life Where Are They Now TLC
Duration : 21 minutes, 9 seconds
Uploader : TLC
Added On: : 18 September, 2023
Views : 517.5K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Couple Vianey and Allen, from My 600-lb Life Where Are They Now, together, tip the scale a staggering 1200 pounds! Neglecting their health for years, the pair has finally reached a breaking point and have decided to take action to turn their lives around.

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