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What happens when you fall into piranha-infested waters - Antonio Machado-Allison

What happens when you fall into piranha-infested waters - Antonio Machado-AllisonWhat happens when you fall into piranha-infested waters - Antonio Machado-Allison

Video Informations

Title :What happens when you fall into piranha-infested waters - Antonio Machado-Allison
Duration : 4 minutes, 57 seconds
Uploader : TED-Ed
Added On: : 14 September, 2023
Views : 799.2K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Dig into the truth about piranhas and their feeding frenzies, and find out what would likely happen if you fell into their waters.--You’re peering into the Amazon River when, suddenly, you lose your footing and fall. Piranhas dart about in the rapidly a

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