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What We Know (& Don't Know) About Searching for Alien Life with Dr. Adam Frank

What We Know (& Don't Know) About Searching for Alien Life with Dr. Adam FrankWhat We Know (& Don't Know) About Searching for Alien Life with Dr. Adam Frank

Video Informations

Title :What We Know (& Don't Know) About Searching for Alien Life with Dr. Adam Frank
Duration : 57 minutes, 51 seconds
Uploader : NASA Astrobiology
Added On: : 03 January, 2024
Views : 4.1K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



Our guest is Dr. Adam Frank, an astrophysicist from the University of Rochester. Dr. Frank is a leading expert on the final stages of evolution for stars like the sun, and his computational research group at the University of Rochester has developed advan

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