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When you stop trying, it happens The psychology of the flow state

When you stop trying, it happens  The psychology of the flow stateWhen you stop trying, it happens  The psychology of the flow state

Video Informations

Title :When you stop trying, it happens The psychology of the flow state
Duration : 21 minutes, 16 seconds
Uploader : Einzelgänger
Added On: : 10 November, 2023
Views : 714.3K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



The philosophy of flow httpsyoutu.beJtGtqmC5wU4Wu wei httpsyoutu.beg0rhN8U14dk What’s happening in our brain when we’re in the flow state What does academic research say about it Why is it so elusive And, perhaps most interestingly, what can we do to

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