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Why Firearms Took the Place of Bow and Arrow - The Rise of the Musketeer in Europe

Why Firearms Took the Place of Bow and Arrow - The Rise of the Musketeer in EuropeWhy Firearms Took the Place of Bow and Arrow - The Rise of the Musketeer in Europe

Video Informations

Title :Why Firearms Took the Place of Bow and Arrow - The Rise of the Musketeer in Europe
Duration : 10 minutes, 16 seconds
Uploader : SandRhoman History
Added On: : 18 October, 2020
Views : 721.7K times
Likes : 0
Source : YouTube



In the late medieval and the early modern period, a new weapon changed the armament of European armies drastically and lastingly. The handgun made its appearance. Although the earliest firearms were rather ineffective, military artisans were fascinated by

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